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Stacey O'Neale

We review fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction books in both young adult and adult. Our website also features contests, giveaways, author interviews, guest posts, and more! http://www.fantasybookaddict.com

A Brush of Darkness

A Brush of Darkness (Abby Sinclair, Book 1) - Allison Pang I discovered Allison when I was reading the tweets of one of my favorite literary agents (Sara Megibow of the Nelson Literary Agency). She was talking to Allison so I decided to check her out. I'm always looking for up-and-coming fantasy authors for my website, the YA Fantasy Guide. After reading the summary of the book, I decided to contact Allison. I was lucky enough to get the ARC (Advanced Readers Copy) for her first release. Let me just say: WOW. I loved this novel. You can read the rest of my review here: http://www.fantasybookaddict.com/2011/12/09/a-brush-of-darkness-pang-review/