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Stacey O'Neale

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The Demon's Covenant (Demon's Lexicon Trilogy Series #2)

The Demon's Covenant - Sarah Rees Brennan This review was written by Camille Morales, guest reviewer with the Fantasy Book Addict.The Demon’s Covenant by Sarah Rees Brennan was, to me, a better read than the first one in her Demon’s Lexicon series. It was told from a different perspective, giving the reader insight to the life of Mae, a character introduced in the previous installment. The book contained more action than the first, giving me the impression that the pace was faster although it wasn’t, and it was also funny, romantic, and all in all amazing.You can read the full review here: http://www.fantasybookaddict.com/2013/01/08/the-demons-covenant-brennan/