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Stacey O'Neale

We review fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction books in both young adult and adult. Our website also features contests, giveaways, author interviews, guest posts, and more! http://www.fantasybookaddict.com


Skylark - I first heard about this book at BEA (Book Expo America). One of my blogger friends snagged the ARC. Well, when she told me she stayed up reading until 5AM, I knew this was a book I had to read. The publisher approved my Netgalley request, and I read it the next day.Skylark grabbed me from page one and never let go. Poor Lark lives her whole life feeling rejected because she was never chosen for harvest. When the day finally comes, she discovers why. And, hold crap is all I can really say about that. There are so many twists and turns to this story it’s crazy. Not to mention most of the characters are not what they seem, and everyone has an agenda. You can read the rest of the review here: http://www.fantasybookaddict.com/2012/06/28/skylark-spooner-review/