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Stacey O'Neale

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Faery Tales & Nightmares - Melissa Marr I'm not really a huge fan of short story collections, but I have to say that I really enjoyed this one. It's a MUST READ for anyone who loved the Wicked Lovely series. Most of the stories have our favorite WL characters in them. Two of my favorite characters were Niall & Irial so I was happy to have them fill many of the pages. Some stories tell you about things that happened between books while others take you into events after Darkest Mercy. My favorite short story was the one with Seth and Niall going on a road trip after the events of Darkest Mercy. I won't spoil it so I'll just say that I was pleased. My favorite non-WL story was the one with the selkies. I think that anyone who hasn't read WL may have trouble understanding what's going on so my advice is read the Wicked Lovely series. Melissa Marr is a fantastic writer and you don't need to love faeries to get into the characters. She's one of my favorite authors.