I have to admit that I have a "thing" for faerie stories. Because of that, I am pretty picky with what I like. I really enjoyed this story. It's one of those, "what's gonna happen next" type books. You know that there was a family tragedy and that she has these crazy/beautiful metal scares on her forearms, but the story behind them is weaved throughout the novel instead of told to you all at once. Plus, other plots are introduced as the story unfolds which is also cool. Really, it's just great storytelling from a debut author with a bright future in front of her. I also love the alchemy history that tied to the fae. It's just so cool.In addition to the great storytelling, you have great characters. Well rounded characters that you can really invest in and root for. There's nothing about this book that's typical or predictable. Donna is a great lead. She's got all the emotion you'd expect from someone in her position. I love her family history and I can't wait to learn more in the upcoming series releases. Navin is her best friend and I absolutely love him because he was her friend even though she was "different". He sends a great message, plus he really cares for her. Then there's Xan - YUM. That's all I'm going to say about him.I felt like the book ended well, but I am so excited to read the next book. I think everyone should give this book a try. I promise that you won't be disappointed.